Some news and updates. Well, there's lots of news right now.. too much news I guess. And there's not much people online at MangaFox today, phuh.
News: 1. Me and my big family will having a trip for 5 days. 2. Download Switch ost. 3. I have a lot to confess look at this and this too. 4. My soar throat is now gone!
This is some updates for today. And maybe some news.. well, just see below.
News: 1. I'm going to Bandung today, at 01.00 PM 2. I can do my math test! Yay!
Updates: 1. I add 'Book this Month' at the sidebar. 2. Add Yondaime pic as my header.. uuh, he's so cool! XD 3. Added 'Anime List' at Kawaii Killer Special: Anime Reviews. 4. I added more at 'Other Me' section.
Udah 1 hari gue nggak log in ke MF, lumayan susah juga ya, menahan hasrat ingin spamming disono.. huhuhu..
But I'm happy! Karena gue bakal ke Bandung weekend ini.. menyambut kakek dan nenek gue pulang dari haji. Hahaha.. udah lama juga nggak ke Bandung. Oh, gue juga buat banyak siggy pic dan avatarnya, jadi berpasangan2 gitu..
All of this is Death Note characters Nendroid Figure. I love L, he looks so cute in chibi form.. aww, I love all form of his. Except the princess version. (-__-)
I've got this from and there's more figures inside! So, take a peek and see.
Hello, Killer-chan is here. There's lots of news at my life.. lots of it. Just see what I'm going to write below. 1. My youngest cousin (5 years old) goes to the hospital, broken bones because he jumped from a chair. 2. This is the day before the test, tomorrow. Wish me luck. 3. Bought lots of books this afternoon.
And some of the updates. 1. I add a music playlist at the sidebar as you can see. 2. Add more links in the 'Other Me' section.
That's all. Hope to see more updates, yosh! Bye bye people.
Vin atau Diesel bukanlah nama aslinya (seharusnya adalah Mark Vincent).
Steven Spielberg menemukannya dalam film yang diproduksi Vin dengan biaya $3.000 (yang cukup mengejutkan ternyata ini bukan film porno). Spielberg kemudian menyediakan tempat untuknya dalam Saving Private Ryan, yang kemudian menjadi langkah awal Vin Diesel dalam kancah dunia.
Vin pernah membuka gaming development house bernama Tigon Studio karena ia muak dengan tingkah laku orang yang membuat game jelek dari film besar.
Ia cukup kaget saat The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay mendapatkan review score sebesar 90 persen.